The John and Anna Newton Porter Foundation

John Porter and Anna Newton Porter

Until 1973, Camp Kabeyun was entirely owned and operated by the camp's founder and director, John Porter. Inspired by a strong desire to assure the continuation of camp for as long as possible, John and his wife, Anna, established a foundation which would own and operate Camp Kabeyun.

The John & Anna Newton Porter Foundation is a non-profit foundation qualified under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The foundation is incorporated in the State of New Hampshire.

The purpose of The Porter Foundation is to operate a summer camp for boys and/or girls and related programs to promote citizenship, character and leadership. An all-vounteer board of trustees governs The Porter Foundation.


Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees of the John & Anna Newton Porter Foundation is comprised of individuals who have a personal connection with Camp Kabeyun. Many are past campers, past and current counselors, and past and present parents of campers. All share a deep love for Kabeyun and a commitment to providing the best possible program for our boys and their families.

Camp Kabeyun's Board of Trustees

The Board is responsible for overseeing the operation of Camp Kabeyun and has a fiduciary responsibility for maintaining the assets of the Porter Foundation. In discharging its duties, the Board looks to the founding principles of John Porter, but also recognizes that no organization can remain strong and relevant without change. The essence of this balance is evident in the constant careful modification of our program to meet the current needs of our boys, while the consistent refrain of former campers who return to visit, sometimes after decades, is, “It is amazing how little this place has changed since I was here.” Our enduring goal is to provide a safe but exciting environment where boys can try new things, challenge themselves to learn and grow, and depart with new confidence and maturity.

The Board relies on the diverse talents of its members, who come from many walks of life: educator, lawyer, social worker, finance, entrepreneur, doctor, to give depth to our discussion and a strong foundation of consideration to our decisions. While turnover on the Board is low, we are always interested in identifying strong candidates to join the Board. There are also opportunities from time to time for service as ad hoc members to committees. If you are interested in serving on the Porter Foundation Board of Trustees or as an ad hoc committee member, please contact our Nominating Committee Chairman, Bill Ricker (click to email).


  • Paul B. Ash (Secretary)
  • Andrew S. Baumel
  • Steven J. Bernstein (President)
  • Douglas Latham (Acting Treasurer)
  • Maria Latham
  • Daniel Levin
  • Jane Levin
  • Charles Platto
  • James Remington
  • William S. Ricker
  • Bill Robinson
  • Heidi Snellenburg
  • Andrew von Mayrhauser
  • Jake Wolf-Sorokin

Porter Foundation STANDING Committees

  • Administration (Paul Ash, chair)
  • Development (Jake Wolf-Sorokin, acting chair)
  • Finance & Audit (James Remington, chair)
  • Investment (Jane Levin, chair)
  • Long-Range Planning (Bill Robinson, chair)
  • Nominating (William S. Ricker, chair)
  • Scholarship (Andrew Baumel, chair)

updated March, 2025