Tuition Assistance

Each year the Porter Foundation makes awards of over $60,000 to families who apply for help because the cost of tuition is beyond their means. Awards range from a few hundred dollars to full tuition. Grants are available for one four-week session only, and the Counseling Intern program, not for Extended Stay or The Summer sessions. This allows us to distribute limited funds to as many families as possible.

The Porter Foundation Board of Trustees has three goals for the tuition assistance program:

  • That ability to pay should not be a limiting factor in a boy’s enrollment.
  • That the distribution of tuition assistance money be fair and equitable, based on financial need.
  • That each family assume some responsibility for the cost of a month at camp.



To be considered for tuition assistance, please provide us with the following items, required of every family, new or returning:


As soon as you decide to enroll, but before February 15th:
  • Submit an Enrollment Form! (will take you to our online camper application). Please don't wait to submit this form! This will secure his spot before enrollment space becomes tight.
  • Download, complete, and submit an application for tuition assistance. Submission of this form will allow us to anticipate your needs before spring rolls around.


As soon as possible before February 15th: 
  • A copy of tax returns for the current year – form 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ. The current year means the fiscal year preceeding the year of the camp season for which you are enrolling. If you do not have tax returns for the current year, the prior year is acceptable.
  • Other supporting materials to give a full picture of your family’s need. 


For families new to Kabeyun
You must also submit two letters of recommendation from teachers, coaches, or other caring adults who know your son.