Kabeyun – Boys Summer Camp New Hampshire – Annual Report

12 New Kayaks

12 New Kayaks

In 2023, Kabeyun invested in a dozen new kayaks. Thanks to a well-researched proposal by former counselor Gus Robinson and the generosity of an anonymous donor, camp purchased the Dagger Rewind in three sizes to fit campers from the Lions to the Owls. Kayaking counselor Lakeland Galinson found the new boats enhanced the program in four ways.

In-camp paddling

“When we ran trips previously, in-camp kayaking would struggle. While there's never been a shortage of boats exactly, there was a set number of boats that people actually wanted to paddle, since some were so old and big. When trips went out, the least favorite boats were the ones left on the rack. With the new fleet, both trips and in-camp counselors had plenty of boats that kids really wanted to paddle. That allowed us to offer kayaking as an activity period, which is a great way to build skills before going out on a river.”


“The new boats also provided a consistency that I never had as a camper. In the past, there were one or two boats that everyone at a certain skill level wanted, and of course you couldn’t get that boat every time. Paddling different kayaks can be really challenging. This past summer, a kid could be in the same boat every day. If you're in the same boat again and again, you're working the same muscle groups, you come to ‘feel’ the boat move in the same way, and you'll get much better over the summer.”


“Since the new boats came with ‘some assembly required,’ [kayaking co-counselor] Willie Thacker and I took it as an opportunity to teach the kids about outfitting, what the different straps and pads do and how to set them up. We both had campers help us set up boats and learn how to do it themselves -- the footrests, the seat, the back band. Good outfitting is so important to kayaking; it can really improve your performance.”

Evolving sport

“The sport of kayaking has changed a ton since Kabeyun got its first boats. So not only are the new boats newer and in better condition, they are better for the evolving sport of kayaking. It's easier to teach kids today’s style of kayaking in boats that were built to do it. It's not just a pretty piece of gear, it's actually better gear for the way the sport has modernized and how we teach paddling today.”

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