Kabeyun – Boys Summer Camp New Hampshire – Annual Report

Capturing Kabeyun History

Capturing Kabeyun History

How much has camp changed in the past few decades? How much has stayed the same? And how does that evolution fit into camp’s history overall? That’s what a small committee of Kabeyun alumni sought to learn on a visit to camp in July 2023.

Maria Latham, Dan Schlozman, and Jake Wolf-Sorokin are core members of a volunteer committee compiling a history of camp that will be edited by Josh Wolk and published in time for Kabeyun’s capstone centennial celebration on September 7. The three spent a full day at camp to observe how it operates today, speak with campers and staff about Kabeyun in the current era, and review archival photographs and documents. 

“The visit was hugely successful,” Jake said. “We were grateful to observe camp in action and especially enjoyed spending several activity periods at a special edition of ‘Kabeyun History’ with Bill French to hear campers’ perspective on Kabeyun today.”

The group then stayed for dinner and more casual conversations with campers and counselors.

“We enjoyed a beach supper and beautiful sunset before driving back up the camp road with the sense that Kabeyun's spirit burns as brightly today as it has at any point over the last 100 years,” Jake said.

Many thanks to the entire committee working on Kabeyun’s history book. It will be available for purchase later this year.

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