Kabeyun – Boys Summer Camp New Hampshire – Annual Report

The View from the Office Porch

by Ken Robbins /
The View from the Office Porch

This summer will mark my 14th year as Kabeyun’s director, and my 26th season at camp dating back to 1985, when I arrived as an apprehensive and uncertain 11-year-old. It is an odd coincidence (notable only to me, I’m sure) that I will turn 50 just as Kabeyun turns 100 – we will both celebrate milestones this year, if only because we tend to mark time in big, round numbers.

After years of writing this note to accompany Kabeyun’s annual report, I am for the first time contemplating the origins of its title. The actual view from the office porch is mostly unchanged, of course – the consistency and timelessness of the place is one of its treasured aspects. On camp’s centennial, I am caught between looking backwards and forwards, reminiscing over the past and anticipating the future.

It is simultaneously a privilege and a responsibility to hold this vantage point on this occasion, and I am fortunate to share both with others who have made it part of their life’s work to act as caretakers of John Porter’s legacy. Those who tend the proverbial fire beyond each summer and ensure its light and warmth sustain across generations are, in the biggest of pictures, our most important asset. That group includes so many of us – current and former campers, counselors, parents, grandparents, Family Campers, and other friends of camp; really, everyone who holds a special place in their heart for Kabeyun has helped bring us to our centennial.

Of all the factors that have contributed to Kabeyun’s longevity, it is in just how many of you have acted as faithful stewards where we are most fortunate. The success of our ongoing Second Century Campaign is a remarkable demonstration of the broad-based, positive power of our community, as are our strong enrollment and extraordinary rate of staff retention year after year. Whether you’ve spent time at Kabeyun as a camper or counselor, given your children or grandchildren their own opportunity to attend, contributed to the Annual Fund or a capital campaign, served as a trustee, or introduced friends, neighbors, or colleagues to the community, each one of you has done your part to ensure camp’s future.

During the summer, Kabeyun’s dining hall is a spot where central elements of our philosophy come alive. It’s here where boys shape their summers by choosing their own activities and trips, and where they are recognized for their efforts. As campers set, meet, and exceed goals, our tradition is to offer them their moment of appreciation in the dining hall. Inviting them to stand up amongst their peers to be recognized, a counselor calls out – 

Today at kayaking, Michael earned his K2!

Today at pottery, James threw his first pot on the wheel!

Today at wakeboarding, after weeks of trying, David got up on the wakeboard!

Each announcement is met with energetic applause; each boy knows he is seen and his contributions to the community are appreciated.

This spring, I’d like to use "The View From The Office Porch" as a metaphorical dining hall, a space to acknowledge each of you. You, too, are seen and appreciated for helping Kabeyun arrive at the dawn of its second century.

This year, Kabeyun reaches its 100th birthday stronger than ever, thanks to you – please rise and be recognized!

Soon enough, we will have the opportunity to gather in the dining hall, not metaphorically but in person. Every member of our community is invited to camp for our capstone centennial celebration on September 7 and 8. I hope you will be there with me as together we celebrate the choices, efforts, and accomplishments that shaped Kabeyun’s first century and will carry us into the next.

Ken Robbins

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