Why I Give Contributors share why supporting Kabeyun's Annual Fund and Second Century Campaign is Meaningful to Them Wednesday, May 1, 2024 Year after year, hundreds of members of the extended Kabeyun community contribute to our Annual Fund, demonstrating the remarkably strong connections that remain far beyond their years at camp. This year, in addition to the Annual Fund, Kabeyun launched its Second Century Campaign, and we asked a few of our long-time donors why giving to Kabeyun is meaningful to them. Many of them see Annual Fund and Capital Campaign contributions as a tangible way to pass the gift of Kabeyun on to future generations of campers and their families. Jake & Eli Rickles Chappaqua, NY Brothers Eli and Jake are long-time campers and first-time donors. They are among about a dozen current campers who contributed to the Second Century Campaign. Eli: I made a donation to Kabeyun because of the opportunities they’ve given me like trips. On trips you get to meet a lot of people and do fun things. I also was excited to hear the campaign would raise funds to rebuild the tennis courts. Jake: I was excited about the fund because it’s going to help the camp look better. Kabeyun always has a lot of fun things to do like the trips, and I’ve made some great friends there. I made a donation because Kabeyun means a lot to me. Deb Harris Friedman Washington, DC Deb, a long-time philanthropic supporter of Kabeyun, was a tennis and leather counselor in the late 1990s and early 2000s. She’s also attended Family Camp more than 20 times; her father and uncle were campers in the 1960s. I contribute to the Annual Fund because Kabeyun has given me so much over the years -- a love for the mountains and hiking, and a wonderful community of kind and adventurous people. It is an honor to be able to give back. In our rapidly changing and increasingly digital world, Kabeyun's dedication to stewarding the land and to providing generations of boys with the opportunity to learn and grow through outdoor activities and individualized experiences is a true gift. I can't wait for my two sons to experience Kabeyun as campers! The Mai Family Lexington, MA In a remarkable demonstration of generosity, each member of the Mai family, Sonara, Thahn, and their teen sons Marcello and Matteo, contributed to the Second Century Campaign. Marcello and Matteo have a decade of camper years between them. Sonara: Kabeyun has been instrumental in the young men our boys are becoming and we’re forever grateful. We donate because we’ve seen what summers at camp have done for our sons and for their stories that resurface weeks, months, and years later. Whether for maintenance, new equipment, or scholarships, we know our gift will be used to continue the Kabeyun tradition and provide opportunities and experiences that create lifelong memories. Marcello: Kabeyun has been so impactful to me, whether that’s through exploring the White Mountains, play-boating, sailing, waterskiing, or the many other activities I chose. I donate so others can experience and have as much fun as I did. Justin Biemann Cambridge, MA First-time donor Justin Biemann is a former camper and counselor. He’s a junior at Wesleyan University with a finance internship this summer. I gave to the Second Century Campaign because of the huge role Kabyeun has played in my life and how I have seen it change the lives of others. It is truly an extraordinary place that puts the campers' experience first in every way. I see giving as a way to stay connected. Who knows -- maybe my gift will be part of a new tennis court or dock or even a camper scholarship. I'm glad to be a part of the process that will help Kabyeun continue bringing joy and fun to many more people. Previous Article 4,869 lbs.