Kabeyun's Summer of 2019 by the Numbers

by Laura Remington /
Kabeyun's Summer of 2019 by the Numbers

Total number of campers : 178
Campers who stayed more than four weeks : 29

Average camper age : 12.6
Number of 7 year-olds : 3
13 year-olds : 37

Number of nations campers came from : 6
U.S. states : 20
Number of campers from Massachusetts : 61
From Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, and North Carolina : 4

Farthest distance traveled by a camper to Kabeyun : 5,385+ miles from Biyada, Lebanon
Shortest : 0.5 mile within Alton

Number of second- and third-generation campers : 62
Percentage : 34.8

Number of interns : 8
Number of states interns came from : 7

Number of staffers : 64
Women on staff : 8

Age of youngest staff member : 15
Oldest : 75+

Percentage of staff returning to Kabeyun in 2019 : 76

Staff members’ combined years of Kabeyun experience : 606
As staff : 366
As campers : 236

Percentage of staff members with a parent and/or grandparent who worked at Kabeyun : 23.4

Farthest distance traveled by a staffer to Kabeyun : 6,460+ miles from Doha, Qatar
Shortest : 0.25 mile within Alton

Number of out-of-camp trips (hiking, climbing, paddling, fishing) : 162
Percentage of campers who elected to take at least one out-of-camp trip : 95

Number of camp plays, talent shows, and other performances : 13
Percentage of campers who performed on stage : 100

Loads of campers’ laundry washed, dried, and folded : 816
Number of hours washers and dryers ran per week : 27.5

Pounds of ground beef served in dining hall and at beach supper : 1,145
Half-pint cartons of milk : 19,786

Total financial aid and abatements : $111,500
Number of campers receiving financial aid and abatements : 30
Percentage of campers : 16.7

Are you fired up for next summer? You can find our dates and tuition here. And you can read more about what it's like to be a Kabeyun camper here.

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